Mar Yulios is chief celebrant at 47th parish day celebrations, convention of Mar Gregorios Maha Edavaka Muscat on November 8

Very Rev Mathai Edayanal Corepiscopa leads parish annual convention from Nov 1 to Nov 7

MUSCAT: HG Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios, Metropolitan of Ahmedabad Diocese, will be the chief celebrant at the Mar Gregorios Orthodox Maha Edavaka’s (MGOME) annual parish, harvest  day celebrations on November 8, Friday, at St Thomas Church, Ruwi.

The 47th annual day of the parish also commemorates the 117th feast of Bishop Mar Gregorios of Parumala, the first canonised saint of Malankara Orthodox Church of Kerala. There will be evening prayers, vacahana sishrusha, confession and related events.

On November 8, the Metropolitan will lead the Holy Eucharist (Trimass) for the Maha Edavaka’s parish day celebrations from 6 am. After the holy liturgy, student toppers from Standard X and XII will be felicitated by the Metropolitan. This will be followed by auction of first fruit offerings, fete and sale and a variety of entertainment programmes from various spiritual organisations of the parish from 10 am to 4 pm.

Noted speaker Very Rev Mathai Edayanal Cor-Episcopa, Diocese of Ankamaly, will be the chief speaker at the convention hosted by the Maha Edavaka from November 1 to November 7.

On November 4, Monday, Mar Yulios, will lead the Holy Eucharist from 7 pm to celebrate the 12th Dukrono of LL HG Dr Stephanos Mar Theodosios (1924-2007), Metropolitan of Calcutta Diocese, who passed away in Muscat. A quiz competition will also be held to honour the late missionary bishop.

On November 7, the penultimate day of the convention, a holy rasa (procession) with tableaus of St Gregorios of Parumala will be organized from the Maha Edavaka to St Thomas Church at 7 pm.

Fr Pallath Ouseph Mathai, Vicar/President, MGOME, Fr Bejoy Varghese, Associate Vicar, have requested the faithful to attend the convention, rasa and parish day celebration in large numbers and make it a success.

Earlier, on November 1, Friday, flag hoisting (kodiyettu) was held under Very Rev Mathai Edayanal, Fr Mathai, Fr Bejoy along with a large number of faithful kicking off the convention and harvest festival celebrations.

Members are requested to help with offering towards the harvest festival before November 7 which will be collected at the parish office, under the supervision of John Thomas, Parish Trustee, Sabu Chandy, Co-Trustee, and Pradeep Varghese, Secretary.