Geevarghese Mar Coorilos: A Towering Light and a Triune Blessing


‘The Illustrious St. Kyrillos, an exalted and veritable tower of truth, who correctly expounded the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, showing clearly that the Word of God became flesh’is one amongst the saintly phrases recited in the fifiththubden while celebrating the Holy Qurbana. By the grace of God almighty, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church has been blessed with an Episcopa who accepted the title ‘Coorilos’ in 1991, after H.G. Mathews Mar Coorilos (H.H. BaseliusMarthomma Mathews II of blessed memory). Likewise his predecessors who adorned the title, H.G.GeevargheseMar Coorilos Metropolitan has been serving the Holy Church with piousness, simplicity and enormous earnestness. Blessed with a towering and graceful persona, CoorilosThirumeni is humbly carrying forward the mission and vision of our forefathers.

HG CoorilosThirumeni is a devout advocate of orthodox faith. Thirumeni’s speeches about the beauty of orthodox faith and traditions have always rendered a spiritual inspiration to the faithful. ‘What is Orthodoxy?’ is a central theme inmany of Thirumeni’s sermons that have enlightened the faithful. During the Kolenchery Church crisis that confronted the Holy Church in 2012, Thirumeni delivered an insightfulspeech educating the faithful about our church history, apostolic tradition and lineage. Thirumeni’ssermon filled with prolific words of wisdom, basked in a heavenly voice, will remain as an eternallight in the history of our church.

Thirumeni has been serving the Holy Church for more than two decades in diverse capacities. As the Diocesian Metropolitan of Bombay, Thirumeni has been carrying forward the legacy set by H.G Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilose Metropolitan who was known as the Ambassador of our Holy Church. As the Vice President of Nagpur Seminary, Thirumeni is carrying forward the vision of H.G Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius Metropolitan who was an educationalist and a missionary. Thirumeni’s exemplar services in leading the youth through MGOCSM, as its President, is remarkable. In this capacity, Thirumeni humbly carries forward the leadership that had been provided by H.G. Philipose Mar Eusebius Metropolitan. The Guru-ShishyaParampara, that traces its roots back to the vedic ages, has remained the essence of our Indian tradition. H.G.Coorilosethirumeni’s close association with the three remarkable metropolitans of blessed memory, is indeed a ‘Triune blessing’ for Thirumeni and the Holy Church.The proximate student-teacher relationships, illumined with seeds of sagaciousness, are undoubtedly the robust foundation of Thirumeni’sphenomenal services to our Holy Church.

His Grace had been the ecumenical face of our Holy Church, an art that Thirumeni inherited from his predecessor H.G. Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilose Metropolitan. Through his towering persona and graceful stature, Thirumeni has augmented the position of our Holy Church at international forums. Hence, Thirumeni is a humble guardian of the ecumenical philosophies advocated by Metropolitans H.G Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios and H.G Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilose of blessed memory.   It is unquestionably Thirumeni’s genuine interest and concern about issues, which attract people from all segments of the society. The Gregorian Community in Roha, is a noteworthy example of the ecumenical services rendered by our Holy Church. It isThirumeni’s zealous leadership, instilled with a devout orthodox faith and an ecumenical philosophy, that has transformed the ecumenical vision into a reality.

History reveals that adverse elements have always been at the doorsteps to tarnish the image of towering personalities. One such incident is striving to camouflage Thirumeni’s archangelic persona and grace.The anxiety caused amongst the faithful after the recent incident became viral in the social media, is undeniably immense. Within a flash of lightening, H.H.Bavathirumeni’sKalpana temporarily suspendingThirumeni from his Episcopal responsibilities, has left the faithful shocked and shattered.

Decision making is indeed a challenge, at positions that demand the highest levels of perfection. Being the Catholicos of the East and the Malankara Metropolitan, H.H.BavaThirumeni epitomizes a unification of Spiritual and Administrative powers.H.H.BavaThirumeni has taken serious consideration about the issue, as it is contrary to our belief, tradition, theology, canon laws and the teachings of our forefathers. Nonetheless, there must be a contemplation on these elements by the faithful.

The following elements, being reflected in H.H. BavaThirumeni’sKalpana need deep contemplation and thought.

  1. Belief – ‘Orthos’ means straight and dox means teachings. Our Orthodox belief is in the teachings, straight from Christ our Lord, to glorify our heavenly Father.
  2. Tradition – The essence of our tradition has been defined by St. Paul and has evolved over the years. The tradition of the triune God and the Apostolic tradition. It is in this apostolic tradition that we must endeavor for unification with the Almighty (the Infinite).    
  3. Theology – Our Oriental Orthodox Theology recognizes the First Three ecumenical councils – First Council of Nicaea, First Council of Constantinople and the First Council of Ephesus. These councils were convened to arrive at a consensus in the Church through an assembly that had diverse representations.
  4. Canon Laws – Hoodoyo Canon and the Nicene Creed form the essence of our orthodox tradition. Our belief is in the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
  5. Teachings of our Forefathers – The teachings of our forefathers have been explained, in 10 sections, in the Hoodoyo Canon as well. Matters such as church politics, burial, feasts and fasts are discussed.

With these thoughts, H.H.BavaThirumeni might have taken a decision that the incident was not in accordance with our Apostolic tradition. But, the three ‘ecumenical’ councils emphasized on ecumenical thoughts to arrive at a consensus.Moreover, when a Prelate who is the guardian of an apostolic tradition,participates in a function, why must we have the least amount of hesitancy about elements that do not accept any traditions? If we are firm in our belief, then there needn’t be any sense of worry regarding such elements that enter our holy church. Our firm belief, must be analogous to fire – an element that purifies, but at the same time retains its purity.Today, the faithful remains bewildered regarding the decision, as H.G CoorilosThirumeni remained a mere spectator to the event. Thence, it is disenchanting to believe that there has been a deviation from Orthodox believes, traditions, theology, canon laws and the teachings of our forefathers.  

The Constitution of 1934, shaped by the sagacious and pious St. VattaserilGeevarghese Mar Dionysius Thirumeni, underlines that complaints related to prelates must be raised in the Holy Episcopal Synod. The President of the Synod, then declares the decision based on the majority voice of the synod and furthermore, in consonance with the will of our heavenly Father.

Above all, it will remain a towering question on whetherthe teachings of our Lord and spirituality havebeen elements in proclaiming a decision on this matter. It also remains to be seen on how generations to come, will look back at the current crisis our Holy Church is experiencing. 

H.G. CoorilosThirumeni, exemplifies a stature that very few metropolitans inherit and carry forward. True to Thirumeni’s Episcopal title, Thirumeni is the undoubtedly the towering light and a triune blessing for Malankara, due to his simplicity, immense grace and piety.

During this hour of herculean decision making, it is our responsibility as faithful to express our solidarity, utmost respect, support and love to H.G.CoorilosThirumeni. Let us humbly pray that the Kalpana is revoked by H.H. Bavathirumeniand H.G.CoorilosThirumeni is bestowed upon all his responsibilities with all the honor, respect and appreciation Thirumeni deserves. Let us pray for our CatholicosBavaThirumeni, H.G CoorilosThirumeni, Metropolitans of the Episcopal Synod and our Holy Church. Let us pray for the faithful of the Diocese of Bombay, who are eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved Metropolitan. ‘Perfect’ Decisions that are proclaimed by being in tune with our heavenly Father, is apredominant need of the hour.


  • Vineeth Mathew Panayil

Carnegie Mellon University

United State of America