“Alive” Ft. Ancy Behanan & Sam Thomas
Mary saw Son of God in that garden
Like a gardener on that morning of Resurrection.
“Why do you cry lady, whom are you Seeking?”
She answered: “They took my Lord, Where to-know not I”
Endearingly He said: “Mary!”
Hastened she- to the Apostles
And she told them, “The Lord has risen from the tomb!”
A Humble attempt to relive an ancient hymn sung during the
Holy Easter Dismissal as per the Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Syrian Church Rite.
!!Plug in your Headphones for an Enhanced Audio Experience!!
Conceived: Solomon Thomas & Jeev Jacob
Lyrics: Malankara Malpan Konatt Abraham Malpan &
Sabha Kavi Shri. C. P. Chandy
Music: Sam Thomas
Vocals: Ancy Behanan & Sam Thomas
Cello: Clara Asuaje
Backing Vocals: Nelson Peter
Mixed: Unni Krishnan
Mastered: Zamvel Tom
Camera: Safeer Live
Asst.: Febin Rahman
Edits: Jeev Jacob
Special Thanks: Thomas George & Manu Nayer
Officially on Mount Tabor Records
A Sam Thomas’ Musical