Annual Day of St. Paul’s School, New Delhi


St. Paul’s School, New Delhi celebrated its Annual Day on 04 December 2015 at Sirifort Auditorium. 

The Chief Guest for the function was Shri. M.J.Akbar, Honourable Member of Parliament and the Guest of Honour was- H.G. Dr. Youhanon Mar Demetrios, Metropolitan of Delhi Diocese. The School Chairman Rev. Fr.Shaji George among other dignitaries graced the occasion. 

All academic achievements and accolades earned in different fields by the students and teachers were awarded and commended in return with a resounding applause from the august gathering.

 The Annual Report for the year 2014-15 was presented by the Principal Mr. Joseph P. Cherian, while the cultural report was a vivid indication of a giant leap, made by the school in all fields.

 The highlight of the show was a Musical Play ‘Over the Rainbow’ performed by students.

A photo is enclosed – His Grace Dr. Youhanon Mar Demetrios lighting the lamp and also seen Chief Guest Shri. M J Akbar and other dignitaries.