Orthodoxy returns to Sri Lanka, after 75 years

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Colombo, Sept. 16, 2015 Orthodoxy returns to Sri Lanka, after 75 years. Orthodox worship was witnessed in the land of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), after a gap of 75 years. H.G. Yuhanon Mar Dioscorus, Metropolitan, Madras Diocese, celebrated the Holy Qurbana at St. Paul the Apostle Church, Colombo. Fr. David Crasta, Fr. Abraham Kuriakose, Fr. Pradeep Ponnachen, Fr. Noel Lewis, a 20 member delegation from Brahmavar Konkani Orthodox Community, the faithful of once Beatified Alvares Mar Julius mission in Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan Anglican Church members, and other faithful of Malankara Church residing in Sri Lanka participated in this Holy Qurbana. The Holy Qurbana was a historic step, as it aimed to rebuild its ties with the Anglican Church of Sri Lanka and also to rejuvenate the lost mission of Beatified Alvares Mar Julius. The Diocese of Madras and the Brahmavar Konkani Orthodox Community had taken keen interest to start anew mission to reach out to the once faithful of Malankara Orthodox Church, in Sri Lanka, that were lost in 1940’s. A strong community, of over 25 Churches and more than 10000 families, in Sri Lanka were part of Beatified Alvares Mar Julius mission, till 1940’s. But somehow, due to lack of leadership to continue the mission by the then Malankara Church, were lost in the span of time. Fr. Joseph Jeyaraj, the vicar of St. Paul the Apostle Church, Colombo, was instrumental in doing the needful. H.G. Mar Dioscorus, in his visit, met Rt. Rev. Dhiloraj Canagasabey, Bishop of the Colombo Diocese, Anglican Church of Ceylon. His Grace expressed his views on building fraternal unity between the two churches. The visit of Mar Dioscorus, was greatly welcomed by General Mahesh W. Senanayake, of the Sri Lankan Army. General visited Mar Dioscorus and expressed to fully support the endeavours of the Malankara church in Sri Lanka.
Courtesy : Mar Alvares Media