Devotional Thoughts for the Sunday of all the Departed clergy and Mayaltho


Devotional Thoughts for the Sunday of Departed Clergy.
Reading: From the Gospel according to St. Matthew 24: 42- 51
Dear and Respected the brethren,
We have observed the three days fasting (Nineveh Lent), the forerunner
of the great Lent. We were trying to copy down the repentance of
Prophet Jonah, the pagan king of Nineveh and the entire population of
Nineveh. We were trying to learn how those people had responded to the
intimation passed over to them from God Almighty through His prophet
Jonah. As we know, the 18 days from the final day of the 3 days Lent
till the first day of the great Lent , which are often known as the
gap of 18 days (in our Mother tongue  it is called Pathinettida) These
18 days are often counted as the free days without Lent or fasting.
But these days are meant for preparing for the great Lent. The
soldiers would have a thorough check up of their weapons and
instruments to be used during the war, immediately after the
declaration of the war. We the faithful are supposed to have a war
with the evil forces. So our Church Fathers have instructed us to seek
the intercession and support of all the departed clergy on the first
Sunday of the 18 days gap and all the departed on the second Sunday of
the 18 days gap. So this Sunday we are obliged to seek the special
support, care and companionship of all the departed clergy.
Today’s reading starts with our Lord’s exhortation to watch. In verse
42 we read, “Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord
does come.” So it is very clear that we are asked to wait for the
arrival of our Lord. In the Holy Bible we find ‘watch’ at different
places. In St. Matthew 25: 13, St. Mark 13: 35, St. Luke 21: 36, we
have been exhorted to “watch therefore”.

In St. Matthew 26: 41, St. Mark 13:33, 14: 38 and 1 Corinthians 16:13
we find the exhortation to watch and pray and to stand in faith. What
must be our prayer? We are taught to pray to enable us and our beloved
departed ones on the right hand of our Lord God on his second coming
and also to enable us all to praise Him and glorify Him on His blessed
second coming.  Let us think what sorts of faith are we expected to
maintain? It is nothing other than the faith confessed by St. Peter
and St. Thomas. St. Peter confessed that Lord Jesus is the son of the
living God and St. Thomas addressed resurrected Lord Jesus as his
“Lord and God’. We all have accepted Lord Jesus as our savior,
redeemer, Lord and God through our baptism. We are supposed to recite
our faith audibly or inaudibly every day/ for this reason only our
Church Fathers have insisted us to recite the creed every time with
the common/canonical prayers. In addition to the creed, let us
practice to confess in our minds every morning and evening, “Lord you
are my Lord and God” and let us watch for His blessed second coming.
St. Paul in his first epistle to Thessalonians5:6 and St. Peter in his
first epistle 4:7 advises us to watch and stand in sober. In Hebrews
we understand that those who watch do care their souls. (Chapter
13:17) In Revelation 16:15 we read, “Blessed is he that watch”
What is the relevance of meditating this scriptural portion on the day
set apart to remember and seek the intercession of all our departed
clergy? The Holy Church confirms that all our departed clergy of
yesteryears had been good enough in watching for the coming of our
Lord. This has to enable us to follow their footsteps. And if someone
had failed somewhere in their lives, we have to pray for them so that
God would forgive them. Devotional Thoughts for Mayaltho.
Reading: From the Gospel according to St. Luke 2: 22-40
Dear and Respected Brethren,
This Sunday is important for us for various reasons. First of all, it
is the feast of Mayaltho. (The first entry of infant Jesus to the
Temple of God) Secondly it is the memorial day of St. Simeon and St.
Hanna, the two representatives of thousands who had spent their lives
in the expectation of the Savior of mankind, and thirdly  it is the
day to submit our working class (laborers) for God’s mercy and
The Jews had a custom and ritual to submit their new born infants to
God at His house of worship. Our Lord and Savior was also presented to
the temple of God, when He was a small child. It was to make us
realize the importance of such an event. In the Christian Church the
same system was prevalent until recently and the new mothers used to
bring candles and incense as a present to God. In many parts of our
nation, the system is not so particular and we miss this meaningful
ritual. All must make it sure to adopt this system meaningfully, if it
is not there.
In St. Luke 2: 22 we read, “And when the days of her purification
according to the Law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to
Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.”  As it is self explanatory,
there is no need of an explanation. The holy Church proudly remembers
St, Simeon and St. Hanna, representing the large number of faithful,
who were waiting and praying in great expectation for the Savior. The
memory of these two saints reminds us all to be more practical and
enthusiastic in the expectation for the living Holy Spirit.

In St. Mark 6: 1-6, we read about the appreciation and regards of the
ordinary people about Lord Jesus. As soon as our Lord entered his home
town, He started teaching in the synagogue. All who heard Him got
astonished due to their surprise about the wisdom and the deep
knowledge He had. They all were sincerely appreciating His vast
knowledge and the wisdom. May God Almighty bless us all. They were in
a positive mood regarding the mighty works done by Him. Poor people,
they were not sure who He was. Where as we all know Him as Lord, God
and savior. Still how many of us could be grateful to Him while
enjoying His mercy, compassion and deep love? It is a pity if we
cannot realize Him and His love. We try to live as we like, ignoring
our  responsibility to be obedient to Him.
The  people who  heard Him and saw Him got surprised. They had the
only intimation that Lord Jesus was the son of Joseph, the carpenter.
They did not know anything more about Him. We know much about our Lord
and Savior. But are we trying to acknowledge our information and
knowledge about our Lord and Savior?
If we would not take our responsibility seriously, we are going away
from our God. Let us not depart from Him and His everlasting love.
Every day we are supposed to recite the creed at least twice a day.
Are we able to recite sincerely and meaningfully? If we complete our
prayers for the name sake, we would be doing a great mistake.
Let us read verses 4,5 and 6 repeatedly and with full concentration.
If we would do so, definitely there would be sudden change in our look
out and manners and it would help us to have a unique spiritual
We should not create a situation where our God could not work more.
Feb 2nd is the memorial day of LL H.G. Pathros Mar Osthathios
thrumeni, the founder President of the Servants of the Cross. Let
there be hundreds and hundreds of organizations like this, to
re-construct our mission fields and mission works.

Let us pray earnestly for us and our Holy Church
May God bless us
Jose Kurian Puliyeril
Let us remember all our departed priests, High Priests and let us pray
for their eternal lives in heaven. Let us seek their continued