Report: ICON Excellence Awards Distribution – 17th Jan 2015


2015 ICON Excellence Award distribution program (MOHE Center) was done on Jan 17 at Devalokam, Kottyam. H.H Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II was the chief guest. This is a brief report about the program. Pease also see the program video link at the bottom.

 We live in a world where the object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. ICON Charities is the perfect example of rendering help to studious children who are from poor families. ICON’s mission is to bring best possible aid to the needy with Care, Compassion and Commitment. ICON Excellence Awards implies the universal truth ”You can educate yourself right through a relationship with God. To educate the intelligence is to expand the horizon of its wants and desires”.

 The program began at 2.30 pm with the chief guest His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II (Catholicose and Malankara Metropolitan), Rev. Fr. K.M George, Rev. Fr. O Thomas, Rev. Fr. K.T. Jacob, Dr. Raju Varghese, Mr. K.C Chacko, Mr. Zachariah Mani, Prof. Dr. Issac Pampady (General Secretary of Ardra Charitable Society) and the event manager Rev. Fr. P. A. Philip.

 Rev. Fr. P.A. Philip welcomed the dignitaries and requested Bava Thirumeni to inaugurate the function by lighting the lamp. The esteemed guests also followed BavaThirumeni in the lamp lighting. Bava Thirumeni also inaugurated the new project named ” Nervazhy” (meaning Right Path) launched by Malankara Orthodox Sabha’s department of Human Empowerment. The Project ” Nervazhy ” is launched to spread the awareness about the right utilization of modern media by the modern families.

 Fr. Philip mentioned about the selfless efforts of ICON . He added that ICON is a non- profitable organization enriched with over 10,000 very focused, dedicated and responsible members who worked hard – selflessly for the wellbeing of the many ground ridden people in the society. ICON Charities ignited its mission of helping the poor by sponsoring Rs. 23,000 to 6 students in Idukki in 2006. God has been very kind in making ICON’s mission a great success.

 This year, 414 students from economically challenged circumstances will be awarded with ICON Excellence Awards (Total Rs 43 lakhs plus) along with a Merit Certificate signed by His Holiness.

These children are from various parts of Malankara and the awards are being distributed in simple functions arranged in five locations. This is the second function covering 115 students and the first function was held at Angamally which covered 80 students on 10th Jan 2015. Other locations are Kozhikode (25th Jan), Idukki (31stJan) and Yacharam (mid February). This is indeed a proud moment for ICON Charities which started as a small online group in 2000 with very few members has now more than 10,000 members across the globe. ICON is very grateful to the many helping hands across the globe.

 The distinguished guests Rev. Fr. O. Thomas, Rev. Fr. K.M. George, Rev. Fr. K.T. Jacob (Sunny achen) , Dr. Raju Varghese , Mr. K.C. Chacko (younger brother of LL Theophorus Ramban), Mr. Zachariah Mani and Mr. Issac Pampady spoke about the genuine goodwill of ICON which has brought rays of hope in many poor families.

 Fr. Dr. K.M. George compared ICON Charities as a philanthropic institution that follows the sanskrit quote ”Earn with hundred hands and donate with thousand hands”. Fr. K.T.Jacob mentioned about the coordinated efforts of ICON Charities and Grace since 2005 and he also expressed his immense joy of being a pivotal part of ICON Charities. All the speakers highlighted the mode of communication of ICON that is via Internet and Social media. ICON Charities is indeed a right example of how technology can become a tool to bring good by providing a platform for genuine need to meet with the genuine good will.

 His Holiness stated that to lead individuals and Society through the right path is the Christian principle which is pioneered by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ which should be followed through the generations. Bava Thirumeni stated that ” Lead Through Right Path ”is the principle and conduct of Christianity. His Holiness was very delighted to mention ICON Charities as a role model in fulfilling Lords’ commandments to Love one another and to help the poor. He blessed the function and has expressed his greetings to the ICON Moderators, volunteers and all the well-wishers of ICON for running ICON Charities in a very exemplary manner that is very pleasing to God.

 Bava Thirumeni honored Dr. Raju Varghese and Mr. K.C Chacko for their precious time, support and guidance for ICON Charities. The function was well organized by Rev. Fr. Philip , Rev. Fr. K.T.Jacob (Sunny achen, Grace Social Service Society, Idukki) and many seminarians who sang melodious songs of worship both in Malayalam and Syriac which were a feast to ears, mind and soul. This event was a perfect occasion for the many seminarians to learn about the potentials of ICON Charities which they can emulate in their mission works as they are the future shepherds of our Malankara Orthodox Sabha.

 The function was witnessed by many priests, seminarians and about 250 people who were the joyous beneficiaries who received the awards and certificates. ICON charities hopes that the beneficiaries grow into wonderful citizens of the society and the world, and in their times, give back themselves to the society. That would reflect the true meaning and purpose of ICON.

 The function was witnessed by many priests, seminarians and about 250 people who were the joyous beneficiaries who received the awards and certificates. ICON Charities was represented by Mr. George Mathew (Liju) from Doha, Qatar.

ICON charities hopes that the beneficiaries grow into wonderful citizens of the society and the world, and in their times, give back themselves to the society. That would reflect the true meaning and purpose of ICON.

ICON Facebook Link:


List of awardees:

1- Speech by Fr. P. A. Philip at ICON Excellence Award Meeting

2- Speech by HH The Catholicos

3-Speech by Fr. Dr. K. M. George

4-Speech by Fr. Dr. O. Thomas


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