Bangalore Orthodox Diocese Convention

BENGALURU:  For the first time, the Bangalore Orthodox Diocese Convention, ‘Meltho 2021’, scheduled to be held from February 18-20, 2021 will be held virtually.
This is being done in adherence with Covid-19 protocols.
Due to the pandemic arrangements have been made to telecast the convention proceedings live on all the three days.
Various social media platforms namely Facebook, YouTube, Zoom and on Gregorian TV will be used for the convention.
On February 18, the first day, HD Dr Yuhanon Mar Diascoros, Madras Diocese Metropolitan and Secretary of Episcopal Synod, will be the lead convention speaker from 8 pm.
On February 19, the second day, the convention speaker will be Mrs Merlin T Mathew, MGM Higher Secondary School, Thiruvala.
On the final day on February 20, the convention speakers will be HG Dr Youhanon Mar Demetrios, Delhi Diocese Metropolitan, and Rev Fr Dr Mathew Koshy, Vicar, St Mary’s Orthodox Church, Atlanta, USA.
The programme will also have counselling sessions from Praveen Varghese Thomas, OCYM & MGOCSM who is Academic Director at Centre for Life Skills Training and Research, Trivandrum, from 4.30-6 pm
HG Dr Abraham Mar Seraphim, Bengaluru Diocese Metropolitan, Indian Orthodox Syrian Church, had earlier launched the ‘Meltho calendar’ for 2021 at St Thomas Orthodox Mahaedavaka, Bangalore East, during the diocese assembly last month.
The convention is being organised by Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church, Bangalore Region. The Bangalore Diocese is spread over Bangalore city, Hyderabad and the Arabian Gulf region, and completed a decade of the establishment of the diocese.