Convocation of Serampore University at Orthodox Seminary: Press Meet

Convocation of Serampore University at Orthodox Seminary: Press Meet.


News & Events

Senate of Serampore Convocation to be held on 7th February (05 Feb 2015)


The convocation ceremony of the Senate of Serampore College (University), the leading theological university in India, will be held at Orthodox Theological Seminary (Old Seminary) Kottayam on Saturday, 7th February 2015 at 3pm.

The Seminary, to which the beginnings of English education in the state of Travancore can be traced, was affiliated to the Serampore University in 1964. The Convocation Ceremony is being hosted by the Old Seminary, which is celebrating two hundred years of pioneering education work in the society. The Old Seminary is also the place where Malayalam language was printed for the first time in Travancore. Serampore University was established in 1818 in Hooghly district of West Bengal. At present, more than 80 theological colleges in India as well as Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh are affiliated to the Senate of Serampore.

Theological discussions, dialogues and seminars will be carried from 4th to 5th of February as part of the convocation events. On 6th February 2015, a banquet will be hosted by HH Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicose of the East and Malankara Metropolitan at the Smriti Complex in the Seminary campus. The Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala Sri. Oommen Chandy and various distinguished guests and theologians from Asia will attend the banquet. Sargaarchana, a Christian cultural experience will be presented on Friday February 6 at 7.30pm, which will be inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Kerala.

  1. H. Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicose of the East and Malankara Metropolitan will deliver the Keynote Address at the Commemoration Service to be held on Saturday February 7 at 8am, which will be presided over by Rt. Rev. Isaac Mar Philexinos, the President of Serampore University. Bishop Dr. John S. Sadhananda, the Master of Serampore University will preside over the Convocation Ceremony at 3pm and Rev .Helmut Grimmsmann (Germany) will deliver the convocation address.

More than 1500 delegates  from various theological institutions will attend the convocation, in which 842 graduates and 144 post graduates in theology will be awarded graduation. Honorary Doctorates will be awarded to Rev .Helmut Grimmsmann and Rev. C. Vanlalhruaia. H. H. Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicose of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, Kerala Chief Minister Sri. Oommen Chandy, Serampore University Master Bishop Dr. John S. Sadhananda, Orthodox Theological Seminary Principal Fr. Dr. Jacob Kurian and Dean of Studies Fr. Dr. Reji Mathew will lead the various meetings.



40th Meeting of the Board of Theological Education
of the Senate of Serampore College (BTESSC)

February 4-5, 2015




89th Meeting of the Senate of Serampore College

February 5-6, 2015



Venue: Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam


February 6-7, 2015