Philosophy and the Quest for Meaning | Paulos Mar Gregorios

Philosophy and the Quest for Meaning

Glimpses of Philosophical and Cultural Inquiry – Classical and Contemporary, Western and Eastern

Paulos Mar Gregorios

Edited by Fr Dr K M George

Phone: +91 9447598671

Published by: Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Chair, School of Gandhian Thought & Development Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam

in association with the

Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Smaraka Samithi, Kottayam


First Published: June 2013

Revised and enlarged

Second Edition: November 24, 2022

ISBN 978-93-80419-59-6

Typesetting: Sophia Print House, Kottayam

Cover Design: Mathews Orathel, Kottayam

Printed at Anaswara Offset, Ernakulam

Rs. 800/-


Some Fundamental Questions

1.  Wholeness: How to Handle It or Fit into It? 19

2.  How is Meaning Derived? A Methodological Exploration  that Affects the Content 26

3.  Can Philosophy Create Culture? 45

4.  Pursuit of Truth Anticipating the Future 51

5.  Is Experience the Necessary Ground of Philosophy? 61

Consciousness, Epistemology and Science

6.  East-West Perspectives on Science and Spirit, Time and Consciousness 67

7.  How Do We Psychoanalyse Our Societies and Religions? 79

8.  The New Self-Understanding of Science: Implications for Hermeneutics and Theology 101

9.  The Unity of the Grand Continuum 119

10.  Method and Epistemology in Science: Some Counter-Comments on Chance, Necessity and Predictability 135

11.  Phenomenology and the Transcendent: Which Way does One Transcend? 146

12.  Issues in Hermeneutical Discussion in the West 166

13. Hermeneutics in India Today in the Light of the World Debate  181

Modernity, Post-Modernity and Future

14.  The Element of Modernity in Modern Philosophy: An Epistemological Analysis 204

15.  Modern, Post-Modern and the Future of Humanity 215

16.  Post-Modernity from the Perspective of Our Indian Tradition 234

17.  Fashioning the Future 237

18.  How do We Get from Here to There?  or How is Tomorrow’s World to be Shaped? 253

Greece, Egypt, India and Neoplatonism

19.  The Nile and the Indus 272

20.  Hind and Hellas 284

21.  Sabda/Sakthi and Word/Spirit 302

22. The Catalyst in Neoplatonism and Christian Mysticism 308

23.  Soul and Body in Plotinus and Proclus 318

24. Historical Human Beings as Body-Soul Composites: Their Relation to the One and to the World in Plotinus and Proclus – and Some Questions 323

25.  Nagarjuna, Dignaga and Dharmakirthi: The Three Bright  Stars in the Firmament of Indian Thought 334

26. The Crisis of Western Philosophy: In Search of a Tradition – But Where to Look for It? 345

27.  Evaluation of Indian Philosophy in the Context of World Philosophy 358

28.  Who are We in Bharatavarsha Today? 372

Certain Specific Issues in Philosophy

29.  If There Were No Evil in the World… Random Reflections on the Dubious Reality of Evil 387

30.  Certainty and the Secular: Which Do We Want – Philosophy Grounded in the Subjective Consciousness or on Objective Social Analysis? 392

31.  The Mystery of History 406

32.  On Poverty of Philosophy and Philosophy of Poverty:  The Task of Indian Philosophy Today 419

33.  A Reverse in the Trend of Secularization: Are We Ready? 433

34.  The Material Spirituality of Real Humanism: The Marxist Approach to ‘Spirituality’ 446

Author Index 465

Subject Index468


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