Orthodox Church not to attend talks

Warns of contempt action against govt.
Registering its protest against the contents of a letter sent by the government to Malankara Metropolitan Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose 11, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC) has warned of initiating contempt proceedings against the government for its failure in implementing Supreme Court orders in the Malankara Church case.
In a letter addressed to the Additional Chief Secretary, Church secretary Biju Oommen said they were shocked at the request to the Metropolitan to attend a discussion on August 29 with the original 1934 constitution.
Pointing out that the Supreme Court judgments in the Malankara Church cases were final and applied to all constituent parish churches, it held that the State government’s notice requesting to attend the discussion was another act of wilful disobedience constituting contempt of the Supreme Court and the High Court of Kerala.
“Your notice inviting His Holiness to attend a discussion is least bona fide and is an attempt not to implement the judgment and to further prolong its implementation. Your further request to attend the discussion with the original 1934 constitution is strange, mischievous, apparently made without proper understanding of the facts and law on the subject,” read the letter.
According to it, the request incidentally was a repetition of the contention raised by the Patriarch faction after the Supreme Court judgment. It further noted that the Supreme Court judgment has extracted the relevant clauses of the 1934 constitution and very well analysed them and laid down the law in the matter.
Informing that the Metropolitan would not be able to attend the discussion as required by the government, it further requested the government to implement the order at the earliest.
