Sopana Ortheo Meet 2016 on May 23 to 25


Ortheo Meet 2016 on May 23 to 25. 


“Ministry and Mission of the Church Beyond the Borders”

23-25 May 2016

Jointly sponsored by Orthodox Theological Seminary, St Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary and Sopana Orthodox Academy

Venue : Mar Baselios Dayara, Njaliyakuzhy, Vakathanam, Kottayam


With the blessings of H.H. Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Paulose II and with the collaboration of the  Orthodox Theological Seminary, St. Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary and the Sopana Orthodox Academy a two day conference is being organized on the general theme of Ministry and Mission in the Malankara Orthodox Church Beyond the Borders at the Sopana Orthodox Academy, Mar  Baselios Dayara, Njaliyakuzhy Kottayam. The objective of the conference is to reflect prayerfully on the great potential of the church for witness and service in our world and particularly to explore the possibilities of alternate forms of ministry outside the parish as well as in mission fields. The reflections will have a practical edge with the intention to create a new awareness and sense of direction in the areas of theological education and ministry, dialogue and evangelization, nurturing the new generation etc.

Although the conference participants are mainly theological students, others who are interested in the discussion of the theme are welcome. Due to limitation of physical facilities we are unable to take a large number of peoples but those who are interested will get a chance to participate. Please contact us before 20th May 2016.

            Dates: 23-25th May 2016 (Two full days)

            Venue: Sopana Orthodox Academy, Mar Baselios Dayara, Njaliyakuzhy.

            Participants and Resource Persons: About 70

Theological Students and Seminary Professors, Representatives of Spiritual Organizations, Bishops, Priests and interested Lay persons.




Fr. Dr. O. Thomas                                Fr. Dr. Bijesh Philip                      Fr. Dr. K. M. George

(Principal OTS)                 (Principal STOTS & Conference Director)     (Director, Sopana Academy)


  For further details contact :

  • Dr. Bijesh Philip ( Conference Director), Mob: 08888722165, email:
  • Alex Thomas (Program Secretary, Sopana Academy), Mob: 9744062726
  • Jeo Joseph (Conference Secretary), Mob: 9497390408, email: