Annual valedictory of Muscat Maha Edavaka Youth Movement, musical night on April 15

KENORO 2016 KENORO - 2016

MUSCAT: The Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM) of Mar Gregorios Orthodox Maha Edavaka (MGOME) Muscat will hold its annual valedictory for 2015-16 with a musical nite programme on April 15, Friday, 2016.
The programme will be held at St Thomas Church, Ruwi, beginning with evening prayers from 6.30 pm. The highlight of the evening will be a musical entertainment night called Kenoro Voice 2016.
Fr Jacob Mathew, Vicar/President and Fr Kuriakose Varghese, Associate Vicar, have requested the faithful to attend the evening programme in large numbers and make it a success.

The programme highlights is as follows:
Date: April 15, 2016

Venue: St Thomas Church, Ruwi
6.30 pm: Evening Prayers|
7 pm: Public programme
8 pm: Kenoro Voice 2016
9.15 pm: Talent Scan prize distribution
9.30 pm: Dinner