Mar Irenios leads Palm Sunday service at St Thomas Church


MUSCAT: HG Dr Yacob Mar Irenios, Metropolitan of Kochi Diocese led the Palm Sunday (Hosanna) Service led the Palm Sunday Service on March 19, at St Thomas Church, Ruwi. Large number of faithful attended the service.

The Metropolitan based his Hosanna sermon on Jesus triumphal entry into the holy city of Jerusalem and into the temple from the Gospels.  “Save us, we pray” is the meaning of Hosanna and is the festival of the children and the youth. Jesus  ride into Jerusalem on the donkey and this signifies ‘humility’ as the city was crowded with pilgrims who had come for the annual Passover celebration.

Palm Sunday marks the sixth and last Sunday of the Holy month of Lent and the beginning of Holy week.

Metropolitan Mar Irenios will deliver devotional address from March 20, Sunday till March 22 after evening prayers at the Maha Edavaka. Pessaha Service will be on March 23 at St Thomas Church, Ruwi.  Good Friday service will be held at the Maha Edavaka on March 25 from 8 am to 10 am and from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm at St Thomas Church.