Vipassana: Half year report of activities


Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

Vipassana Emotional Support Centre

(Half year report of activities)


The Vipassana Emotional Support Centre was consecrated and inaugurated by H.H.Basalios Marthoma Paulose II Catholicos on 23 May 2015 at the Orthodox Student Centre, Kottayam. It is envisaged as a joint initiative of Ministry of Human Empowerment and MGOCSM of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The main objective of the Centre is to provide emotional support to persons who are emotionally stressed and express suicidal ideation and also to empower families during crisis. In line with these objectives, following activities have been taken up by the centre during the past six months:

1)      Telephone Help Lines have been established to help persons who are emotionally stressed.

2)      Recruited and trained volunteers to serve in the Help Line.

3)      Organised awareness building/ training programmes in parishes, schools, colleges and other organisations in the

         community with a  view to promote mental health and to empower family life and also to reduce suicides.

4)      Offered face-to-face sessions for persons who are emotionally stressed.

5)      Visited family members who are victims of accidental deaths and consoled them.

6)      Organised training programmes for volunteers of the emotional support programme.

The Vipassana is envisioned as an Emotional Support Center mainly focusing on consoling individuals who are emotionally stressed. But our experience show that emotional challenges have direct correlation to physical needs of the individual. This means that while addressing the emotional challenges of the individual, we need to consider their physical needs as well. 

During the past six months we could address also the extreme physical needs of few individuals who either called our help Line or visited our center for emotional consolation.

1)      Support for HIV/AIDS patient

Vipassana could facilitate supporting an HIV/AIDS patient from Ranni who called the Help Line  for emotional support. Mr.R(name purposefully omitted)who contracted HIV through blood transfusion for his surgery was completely isolated by his neighbours and was not allowed to work. Vipassana volunteers and INAMS volunteers visited his family and offered him support. The matter was discussed in INAMS units at Kottayam and Kozhenchery and now INAMS volunteers have adopted that family and supporting them financially.

2)      Educational Support for  economically backward  students 

Vipassana could also facilitate supporting the educational expenses of three economically backward students from Palai and Parampuzha. The father of the student from Palai died in an accident two years ago. The father of the two students from Parampuzha has been paralysed by brain haemorrhage. The students and their mothers came to Vipassana and shared their problems. This was brought before M/s. Aardratha Fellowship Charitable Trust and  the organisation is supporting their educational needs.

3)      Rehabilitation of a psychiatric patient

Vipassana facilitated the rehabilitation of a patient (Shri.Shridharan)  undergoing treatment at the Psychiatry Department of Govt.Medical College, Kottayam. The Ashraya Sneha Veedu, Thiruvanchoor (auxiliary of Ashraya Charitable Society, Kalayapuram) received and rehabilitated him.

4)      Medical support

Vipassana could facilitate providing medical care for a young girl (15 years old) from Nattakam who was under treatment for head injury at the Department of Neurology, Medical College, Kottayam. The family could not afford the expensive MRI Scan and this was brought before  M/s .A.M.Peelu Charitable Society and  the organisation  supported her financially for MRI Scan.

 5)      Volunteer Engagements

During the past six months the Volunteers of Vipassana had been engaged in various activities related to our mission. Apart from regularly attending to Help Line Calls, some of the volunteers had the opportunity either to facilitate in awareness building programmes or to organize activities for Vipassana. Following are some of the activities reported:

1) Ms.Reshama Elsa Reji– Introduced Vipassana programmes at the Sunday School Teachers Training Programme  at St.Ggregorious Orthodox Church, Njaliakuzhi. Facilitated a session on ‘Influence of Media on Families’ at the Group Meeting of MMVS Vakathanm Group held at St.Thomas Orthodox Church, Pongamthanm.

2) Mrs.Mini Kurian– Organised a session on ‘Church’s Response to Emotionally Challenged persons’ at MMVS Group  Meeting, Vakathanam. Organized consolation visits to three families affected by accidental deaths in Vakathanam.

 3) Mr.Chako Tharakan&Mrs.Mariamma Tharakan– Organised a session on ‘Church’s Response to Emotionally  Challenged persons’ at INAMS Meeting, Mar Elia Cathedral, Kottayam. Participated in consolation visits to three families affected by accidental deaths in Vakathanam. Introduced the activities of Vipassana at the INAMS conference held at Nagpur during 21-24, October,2015. Organized a talk for the benefit of the residents of Skylineford Apartment,Kalathipady, Kottayam on the topic:’ EffectiveParenting in Nuclear Families’.

 4) Mrs.Molly Mathew– Organised a session on ‘Response to Emotionally Challenged persons’ at Resident’s Association Meeting, Moolepeediaka, Kottayam.

5) Mrs.Lovely Rajan— Introduced Vipassana programmes at the Sunday School Teachers Training Programme at  St.Mary’s Orthodox Church, Karattukunnel. Facilitated production of a Short Film-PUFF. Organised a seminar at Maharaja’s College, Kottayam in relation to the observance of World Mental Health Day. Distributed Vipassana brochures to the participants. Encouraged students and their families to participate in face-to-face sessions at Vipassana for emotional support.

6) Mr.K.C.Jacob– Introduced Vipassana programmes at the Sunday School Teachers Training Programme at   St.Peter’s Orthodox Church, Vazhoor.

7) Mr.John D.Kunnathu & Lisy Kunnathu– Introduced Vipassana programmes at MMVS Group Meeting at St.Paul’s Orthodox Church, Kollad, Mar Gregorious Orthodox Catholicate Centre, Neelimangalam and MGOCSM Student Leadership Training programme,Student Centre, Kottayam. Facilitated a session on’ Influence of Media on Children’ at Javahar   Navodaya Vidyalaya, Vadavathoor,Kottayam. Introduced the activities of Vipassana at the weekly retreat held at St.Paul’s Orthodox Church, Kollad, Kottayam. Facilitated a session on ‘Suicide and it’s prevention’ for teachers of Girideepam Bethany Higher Secondary School, Kottayam.

8)  Dr.Rosamma Alex– Facilitated a session on ‘Graceful Aging’ at YMCA Pakal Veedu, Kollad, Kottayam.

 9) Dr.Elizabeth Samson– Facilitated a session on ‘Understanding Adolescence’ at NSS Teacher’s  Training College, Changanacherry.

10) Dr.Anamma Varghese– Facilitated a session on ‘Graceful Aging’ at YMCA Pakal Veedu, Kollad, Kottayam.  Introduced Vipassana programmes at MGOCSM Student Leadership Training programme, Student Centre,  Kottayam. Introduced the activities of Vipassana at the Elder’s Meeting &MGOCSM meeting at Dubai Church,UAE. Introduced Vipassana programmes at the monthly meeting of Resident’s Association, Chungam, Kottayam. Arranged a visit to CAAS, Kottayam for networking.

11) Mr.Rajeev Vadassery– Video Graphed inauguration of Vipassana  and the observance of World Suicide Prevention Day. Facilitated publication of the Resource Book for Training Programmes.

12) Prof.Susan Thomas: Facilitated a session on ’The Role of Attitude in personality Development’ in the seminar organised at Maharaja’s College, Kottayam.

13) Dr.Rachel George-Introduced the activities of Vipassana at the Regional YWCA meeting at Changanacherry. Distributed brochures. Prepared a module for the resource book.

14) Dr.Siby Tharakan– Facilitated a session on ‘Suicide and  Prevention Strategies’ at NSS Teacher’s  Training  College, Changanacherry. Facilitated a session on ‘Church’s Response to Emotionally Challenged persons’ at annual conference, MMVS, Kochi Diocese, Koratty Aramana and KCC Regional Meeting at Amayanoore.  Facilitated a session on ‘Influence of Media on Families’ at St.Mary’s Orthodox Church, Cheppad. Facilitated a session on ‘Response to Emotionally Challenged persons’ at  Alumni Meeting of Prathyasa Counseling Centre,  Kottayam. Introduced Vipassana at Sunday School Teachers Training Programme, St.Thomas orthodox Church, South Pampady, Sunday School Student’s Training programme at KMG Centre, Kottayam, INAMS Meeting, Mar  Elia Cathedral, Kottayam, Mar Bes Hanania Orthodox Church, Vanchithra, Kozhanchery. 

 Facilitated a session on ‘Church’s Response to Emotionally Challenged persons’ at  MMVS Group Meetings, Vakathanam and Ponkunnam. Facilitated a session on ‘Mental health and Stigma Reduction’ at Resident’s Association Meeting, Moolepeediaka, Kottayam. Facilitated a session on ‘Managing Emotional Challenges of Parents of Children with Special Needs ’ at Special School, Marangattupally.

Facilitated a session on ‘Influence of Media on Families’ during the Parish Day celebration of St.Mary’s Sehion Orthodox Church, Kunnamthanam on 25 October,2015. Introduced the activities of Vipassana at the leaders training programme of the Idukki Diocese held at Idukki Aramana Chapel on 24 October,2015. Facilitated a session on ‘Stigma Reduction in Mental Health’ in the seminar organised at Maharaja’s College, Kottayam. Introduced the activities of Vipassana at a meeting organised by INAMS, Kozanchery Unit.

15) Dr.Varghese Punnoose (Secretary, OMF): facilitated a session on ‘Mental Health and Media Literacy for Young persons’ at the leaders training programme of the Idukki Diocese held at Idukki Aramana Chapel on 24 October, 2015. Lead various sessions during training programmes for volunteers.

16) Fr.P.A.Philip (Deputy Secretary, MOHE): Introduced the activities of Vipassana at various meetings in the diocesan level and parish level in India and abroad.

17) Fr.Philan P.Mathew (General Secretary, MGOCSM): Arranged sessions to introduce the activities of Vipassana during orientation meetings and other conferences.

World Suicide Prevention Day

 The World Suicide Prevention Day was observed by Vipassana on 10 September, 2015 at Baselius College Auditorium, Kottayam. H.H.Baselious Marthoma Paulose II Catholicos inaugurated the programme and exhorted the public to understand the importance of mental health in reducing the number of suicides in the community. 

 HG.Dr.Thomas Mar Athanasios (President,MOHE) presided over the function.  Shri.S.Sreesanth( Cricket Celebrity), Chief Guest of the function, really inspired the students. Dr.Divya S.Iyer IAS(Assistant Collector) delivered the key-note address. 

 Fr.P.A.Philip(Deputy Secretary, MOHE), Fr.Philan .P.Mathew(General Secretary, MGOCSM), Prof.Alexander V.George(Principal, Baselius College), Dr.Varghese Punnoose(General Secretary, OMF), Prof.Sarath P.Nath(Programme officer,NSS) and  Dr.Siby Tharakan(Director-Vipassana) spoke on the occasion. The ‘Resource Book for Training Programmes’, prepared by the Volunteers of Vipassana was released at the function.

 The programme was attended by more than 1000 people including students and general public. We are thankful to Prof.Alexander V.George(Principal, Baselius College)),Prof.Sarath P.Nath(Programme officer,NSS),Teachers and NSS Volunteers for their support and commitment.

 Resource Book for Training Programmes : A Hand Book for awareness building programmes of Vipassana was published 0n 10 September, 2015.  Mrs.Lovely   Rajan,Ms.Reshma Elsa Reji, Dr.Annamma Varghese, Mr.Chacko Tharakan, Mrs.Mariamma Tharakan, Mrs.Akkutty     Mathew,Mr.John Kunnathu, Prof.Susan Thomas, Dr.Siby Tharakan, Dr.Rachel George, and Prof.K.G.Philip, have prepared study materials for the Hand     Book. Articles written by Fr.Dr.O.Thomas, Fr.P.A.Philip and Dr.Varghese Punnoose, published in   Pathirakaruthu Ee Kathirukal’ (Responsible parenting) and published by MOHE are also included in this volume.The book was published with the contributions received from Volunteers.

 Consolation Visits: One of the programmes of Vipassana is to console and empower family   members affected by suicides and accidental deaths of loved ones. Visits to such families followed by prayer,   meditation and counseling if needed would be helpful for them to do away with the emotional trauma they face. Four cases of accidental deaths were reported to Vipassana and we could organize consolation visits to those   families in Kalthlippady, Vakathanak, Kannaanchira and Nalunnakkal.Fr.P.A.Philip and Fr.Mathew K.Mathew lead  those consolation visits. Mrs.Mini Kurian, Mrs.Mariamma Tharakan, Prof.K.G.Philip, Mr.Chako Tharakan and  Dr.Siby Tharakan participated in the visits. 

 The World Mental Health Day

The World Mental Health Day (10 October) was observed by various organisations in the State. This year’s theme was Dignity in Mental Health. The Vipassana Volunteers attended the observance day organised by the Psychiatry Department of Government Medical College, Kottayam. Vipassana also organised an awareness building seminar on Mental Health jointly with Maharaja’s College, Kottayam on 09, October, 2015. Dr.Siby Tharakan and Prof.Susan Thomas lead the sessions.The programme was attended by 50 participants.

 Holy Episcopal Synod

The Holy Episcopal Synod of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church has decided to broaden the activities of Vipassana Emotional Support Centre in the Church through various activities in the Diocesan level. The Thiruvanamthapuram Diocese has already established a Telephone help Line and a counselling centre at Maatha Marium Ashram. Vipassana will be working with all the Dioceses of the Church to establish emotional support programmes for the benefit of the community and members of the Church. We are grateful to all the Metropolitans of the Malankara Orthodox Church for their blessings.


Following individuals are regularly volunteering for Telephone Helpline and Face-to-face support at the centre: Dr.Rosamma Alex, Dr.Annamma Varghese, Mr.John D.Kunnathu, Mrs.Lisy Kunnathu, Mrs.Lovely Rajan, Ms.Reshma Elsa Reji, Prof.Susan Thomas, Mrs.Molly Mathew, Mrs.Mini Kurian, Mr.Narayanan Nampoori,Mr.Biju Joseph,Mr.Chako Tharakan, Mrs.Mariamma Tharakan,Mr.Rajeev Vadasseri, Mr.K.C.Jacob. The Vipassana is immensely thankful for their service. We are also thankful to Mr.Anish Abraham and Mr.Jerry Varghese (MOHE Office) for their support.Thanks to Mr.Manu John(Chennai) and St. Thomas College of Arts&Science, Chennai for donating two used computers.Thanks are due to Mr.Thomas Varghese(Kandanad) for donating a used Inkjet Printer for the office.Thanks also to a well-wisher who donated a new Inverter /UPS for the office.

Vipassana is immensely thankful to H.H.Bavathirumeni for all the blessings. HG.Dr.Thomas Mar Athanasios (President,MOHE) and HG.Geevarghese Mar Coorilos(President, MGOCSM) are inspiring us. Thanks are due to Fr.P.A.Philip(Deputy Secretary,MOHE) for the encouragement and support for all the activities of Vipassana. We are also thankful to Fr.Thomas Zacharia (Principal Secretary to Catholicos),Fr.Philan P.Mathew (General Secretary, MGOCSM), Fr.Abraham Mathai, Fr.Mathew K.Mathew, Prof.P.C.Elias, Prof.Dr.Joseph P.Varghese, Prof.John Chandy, Prof.Dr.Issak Pampady, Dr.Varghese Punnoose, the Executive Committe members of MOHE and the Executive Committe members of MGOCSM for their support and encouragement.Thanks are due to resource persons of training programmes: Fr.Dr.K.M.George, Fr.Dr.O.Thomas,Fr.Dr.John Thomas Karingattil, Rev.Dr.Abraham Kuruvilla, Dr.Mereen Punnen,Dr.V.Satheesh, and Mrs.Maya Susan Jacob.

 For Volunteers of Vipassana,

Dr.Siby Tharakan




VIPASSANA, Orthodox Student Centre, CMS College Junction, Kottayam, Kerala-686001, India. 

The Centre can be contacted at Telephone: 0481-2584533, Mob: 7025067695(WhatsApp),,