Mar Yulios leads Ahmedabad Diocese MMVS conference on Dec 12, 13 at Udaipur Valiyapally


UDAIPUR:  The Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam (MMVS) unit of Ahmedabad Diocese  is gearing up to host the 6thDiocesan Conference being scheduled for  December 12, 13, 2015 at Mar Gregorios Valiya Pally, Udaipur.  
HG Pulikkottil Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios, Diocesan Metropolitan, will lead the two-day conference.
The theme of the MMVS Conference will be based on “The Christian family in the context of New Media Culture”.
Key note speakers at the conference include Fr Dr John Thomas Karingattil, Prof of Media and Communications, Kottayam Seminary, and Chief Editor of Malankara Sabha magazine along with his spouse Adv Jaisy Karingattil , OCYM General Secretary.
Delegates from all parish of Ahmedabad Diocese are expected to attend the annual conference. The meeting will also include group discussions, competitions, talent night which is expected to add colour to the conference.  

Ahmedabad Diocesan Conference of Marth Mariam Samajam

Marth Mariam VanithaSamajam of Ahmedabad Diocese is  all geared up for  the 6th Diocesan Conference which is scheduled for  12th& 13th December 2015 at Mar GregoriosValiya Pally, Udaipur. Dr.Geevarghese Mar Yulios, the Diocesan Metropolitan will lead the two days Conference with Key note SpeakersRev.Fr.Dr.John Thomas Karingattil, Prof. of Media and Communications,  Kottayam Seminary and Chief Editor of ‘Malankarasabha’ magazine along with Adv.JaisyKaringattil, OCYM General Secretary . Theme of the Conference is “The Christian family in the context of New Media Culture”. Delegates from all parish of Ahmedabad Diocese are expected to attend the Annual Conference. Group Discussion, Competitions, Talent Night etc. are also planned to  add color  to the Conference.