Catholicose’s HISTORIC VISIT


His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, (Supreme Head, Malankara / Indian Orthodox Church) will be visiting Brahmavar Konkani Orthodox Community from December 4-6, 2015. This shall be the first visit, by any Catholicose, in 125 years of history of Brahmavar. The Visit also marks the Post Centenary Silver Jubilee Celebrations of St. Mary’s Orthodox Syrian Cathedral and the Centenary Jubilee of the first educational institution of Brahmavar namely Cosmopolitan Higher Primary School. Catholicose shall visit all the Parishes of Brahmavar Konkani Orthodox Community, and also consecrate Hulikel St. Gregorios Church and Inaugurate an Old-Age Ashram. The whole event shall be broadcasted live on Cable Channels and also webcasted to the whole world on all the major websites of the Church. Grand Reception on December 4th, 2.00 pm and Holy Mass on December 6th 8.00 am.