Holy Qurbana by His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Paulos II

1. Holy Anchinmel Qurbana (Holy Penta-Eucharistic Celebration ) led by His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Paulos II, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, HG Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysius, Very.Rev.C. John Punnoose Cor-Episcopa, Rev. Fr. Reji Mathew  ( OSSAE Director General) ,Rev. Fr. Bijesh Philip (Director OSSAE- OKR) ,Rev. Fr. M.C Paulose – CEO of St. Gregorios Hospital, Parumala. and priests from Kuwait Orthodox parishes will be co celebrants. 

Date : 13th October
Time : 6:30pm (Kuwait Time ), Indian time 9pm onwards
2. Harvest Festival 2015  and Sunday School Golden Jubilee celebrations 
Date : 16th October 2015
Time : From 8am to 7pm  (Indian time 10:30 am onwards)