HH The Catholicos is chief guest at annual Sunday School Students Camp, Nuharo 2015

HH Catholicos is chief guest at annual Sunday School Students Camp, Nuharo 2015, at St Mary’s, Indore Valiyapalli, on Oct 25


INDORE: The annual Sunday School Students Camp and teachers conference for parishes of the Diocese of Ahmedabad has been scheduled from October 23 to 25, at St Mary’s Orthodox Valiyapalli, Indore.
Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, HH Baselios Marthoma Paulose II will be the Chief Celebrant of the Holy Qurbana on the concluding day of the camp on October 25 and also will be the chief guest for the valedictory function ‘Nuharo 2015.’  

Ahmedabad Diocesan Metropolitan HG Pulikkottil Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios has in a  Kalpana # 71/15 dated August 19, 2015 said the meeting will provide a rare opportunity for the children to meet the Supreme Head of our Church personally and has desired that maximum students from our Church to avail this opportunity. The Diocesan Metropolitan has also urged all the students and teachers to attend the Holy Qurbana strictly in ‘White Dress’ to make it a memorable ‘White Sunday.’

The theme for the camp is “Walk in the ways of the Lord” (Psalms 1:1) with Fr Dr Jogy George, Prof St Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary, Nagpur, will be chief resource person.

The theme for the annual teachers conference is from 1 Kings 4:33 and based on “Heights and depths of the Word of God.”’

Some of the guidelines for the participants are:

1.Children who are at the age of 10 years and above will only be allowed in the Camp.

2.Each participant will pay Rs 50 for registration.

3.All the participants are supposed to  bring their own Holy Bible, book of Holy Qurbana, enough dress (one white dress for Holy Qurbana), bed sheets, tooth brush, paste, bath towel and toilet items.

4.Woolen dress – at least a sweater.

  1. Separateaccommodation will be provided for girls and boys. House masters will be provided for maintaining discipline and punctuality.

6.Children should not bring mobile phone, cash and other costly items to the camp

  1. Participants will be responsible for their personal belongings.
  2. Registration will start at 8 am on October 23. Hence all the participants must reach the venue before 8 am.
  3. Diocesan-level Art Camp will be held on 23rd and 24th (evening time). 
  4. Programme details will be circulated at the time of Registration. Camp will conclude by 2 pm on October 25.

The Kalpana further states that respected Vicars and Headmasters are requested to convey the number of the participants namely students and teachers, travel arrangements to Fr Varghese Tiju Ipe, Vicar of St Marys Church Indore on Phone No 0731-2591949,2590240, Mobile # +91-8718852624, Camp Convenor C V Jacob on Mobile # +91-8109011473 as early as possible but not later than October 10, 2015. For more details Sunday School Director, K I Thomas, can also be contacted on Mobile # +91-9829454654