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St Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary(STOTS), Nagpur hosted the Annual General Body Meeting of OSSAE-OKR on 12th& 13th of September, 2015. The main theme for this year was “Shine as lights in the World (Phil 2:15)”. The uniqueness of this meeting was the presence of the Central Committee Members of OSSAE from Kerala.   H. G. Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysius, the Metropolitan of the Diocese of Calcutta and the President of OSSAE-OKR blissfully inaugurated the session on 12th of September. After the flag hoisting and inaugural session, theme of the year was thought provokingly presented by Rev. Fr. Dr. Reji Mathew, the former principal of STOTS and Present OSSAE Director General.  In the inaugural address, His Grace quoted from the life of L.L H.G Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius and explained about the new ‘I don`t care’attitude of the modern generation. He also affirmed the role of Sunday school teachers in imparting the qualities of light in modern children there by improving the quality of their life.Noon prayer and lunch was followed by Business meeting and Executive meeting which made the afternoon session lively. The meeting was blessed by the celebration of Holy Qurbana by His Grace on the next day. After the Holy Qurbana His Grace launched a new website for OSSAE-OKR (www.ossaeokr.org).After this, Rev. Fr.K.M.Sakariah from OTS Kottayam explained well about the ABHAYAMprojectfor the Homeless which is conducting on the blessed memory of PambadyThirumeni. OSSAE-OKR donated Rs. 3 Lakh for this project in the meeting. The sessions of the second day was started with the heated interaction session of OSSAE-OKR teachers and representatives with the Central Committee Members of OSSAE. Rev. Fr. K. V. Thomas, The Publication Officer of OSSAE reiterated the gathering regarding the unity and joint functioning of OSSAE& OSSAE-OKR. The meeting respectfully bid farewell for the two eminent outgoing pillars of OSSAE-OKR, Rev. Fr. Dr.Geevarghese K. the former Director of OSSAE-OKR and Rev. Fr.PhiliposeVenattu, the former treasurer of OSSAE-OKR.  This session was followed by the award ceremony of SSFC and 12th Rank holders. Mar Theodosius memorial gold medal sponsored by St. Gregorios Indian Orthodox MahaEdavaka, Kuwait for the 10th&12th toppers was also presented. Title Holders of the Inter Diocesan Competition were also presented prizes. OSSAE-OKR honored the Sunday School teachers by presenting them mementos and awards for rendering their long term services and commitment.Mr. Ipe Varghese OVBS Secretary, Mr. Thomas George OVBS-OKR Secretary, Rev. Fr. Saju Thomas OSSAE-OKR Delhi Diocese Asst. Director, Mr. George Panackamattom OSSAE-OKR Bangalore Diocese Director, Mr. Sunny Pariyaram OSSAE-OKR Bombay Diocese Director, Mr. K.I. Thomas OSSAE-OKR Ahmedabad Diocese Director, Mr. K.C. Eapen OSSAE-OKR Calcutta Diocese Director, Mr. John EapenOSSAE-OKR UAEZonal Inspector,Rev. Fr. Dr. Bijesh Philip,Principal of STOTS & Director of OSSAE-OKR welcomed everyone towards the Annual General Body Meeting and Rev. Fr. John Mathew, the Treasurer of OSSAE-OKR expressed the vote of thanks. Including priests and other Sunday Schooldignitariesfrom Kerala and Outside Kerala, almost 150 people were present in the meeting.
