Ahmedabad Diocese under Mar Yulios unanimously pass proposal for priests’ salary hike 


AHMEDABAD:  The Diocesan Council, Annual Diocesan General Assembly and Diocesan Priests’ meeting  of Ahmedabad Diocese was held under the Presidentship of HG Pulikkottil Dr Geevarghese Mar Yulios.
The meeting took place at the Diocesan Head Quarters at St Thomas Bishop House, Naroda, Gujarat, on  July 17, 18, 2015.
The two-day meet saw delegations which included clergies, laities-in-charge who came from different parishes from the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Sultanate of Oman. The preliminary agenda of the annual general assembly included the Catholicate Day collection which was handed over to Diocesan Metropolitan Dr Mar Yulios.  
The general assembly unanimously passed the proposal about increment in salary of priests with a basic  pay of Rs 15,600. The assembly discussed various upcoming projects and developments in the diocese  including the purchase of land and construction of building for the proposed St Mary’s International School at Galudan in Gandhinagar.
Diocesan Secretary Fr Jacob Mathew (Vicar, Mar Gregorios Maha Edavaka, Muscat), read the Kalpana from HH Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East & the Malankara Metropolitan. Another remarkable achievement was that all  parishes of the Diocese crossed their target amount allotted for them. The Diocesan Metropolitan appreciated all the priests and  faithful members for this achievement.
After the first session, Diocesan Secretary read the Kalpana of the Diocesan Metropolitan before the commencement of the general assembly. Later, the presidential address was delivered by the Metropolitan which was followed by the presentation of the 6th annual report and annual accounts by the Diocesan Secretary, which was passed unanimously by the assembly members after due deliberations. 
During the concluding session, Dr Mar Yulios expressed his sincere gratitude towards efforts of the faithful under their respective vicars, for their involvement and valuable support extended to church and various developmental projects, which in collaboration boosted the diocese to touch greater heights. 
Earlier, Fr Jacob Mathew welcomed the participants. A warm welcome with procession was arranged for  
welcoming the Metropolitan by all the priests and faithful to the assembly. 
The council meeting was held on July 17 after the vespers. On 18th, the matins was followed by Holy  
Eucharist and thereafter meeting of Diocesan priests held. The assembly concluded with Fr Isaac Thomas, Aramana Manager, extending a vote of thanks. The Annual General Assembly concluded with prayer and benediction.