“Vaade ‘dalmeeno” is a special service usually conducted after the Second Qaumo of the Monday Lilyo prayers of the Holy Week. The service is unfortunately rarely conducted due to its odd timings and hence remains as an unknown service to many. The Vaade ‘dalmeeno Service at the Old Seminary Chapel was led by HG Dr. Abraham Mar Seraphim.
There is a special Service Order for it at the end of which all the faithful participate in a procession around the Church/Chapel with lighted candles. The main celebrant reads the Gospel at the northern entrance which remains closed. The doors are then opened and all the faithful enter into the Church.
“Vaade ‘dalmeeno” in Syriac means “getting nearer to the harbor”. The service reflects on the Parable of the Wise Virgins who were prepared with their lamps to receive the bridegroom thus entering into the banquet. (MTT 25:1-13) The Vaade ‘dalmeeno Service is a reminder for all to prepare themselves to enter into the ‘Harbor of Resurrection’