New Decisions of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church


On 5 and 6 February 2015, the working session of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church was held at the Patriarchal Residence, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel. We mention some of the decisions taken:

-Approval of the new Regulations of the disciplinary canonical authorities and of the instances of judgement of the Romanian Orthodox Church;

-Trans-frontier pastoral cooperation of the Romanian Orthodox eparchies of the country with those close to the frontiers of Romania in order to organise and unfold common pastoral-missionary, social-philanthropic and cultural-educational projects and programmes;

-Periodical evaluation by the Eparchial Centres of the monks and priests who unfold communication activities in the virtual space. The utilisation by the Orthodox clergy of the means of virtual communication in the entire church activity should be done in order to promote mission, spiritual life and unity of the Church, not to their detriment.

As the motivation of the Constitutional Court of Romania to decision no 669 of 12 November 2014 concerning the Religion class affirms the importance of Religion in the pupils’ education, the eparchies will help the children’s parents to see the need to continue and systematically study the Religion discipline during the entire period of the children’s education in school.

Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate
