Paulos Mar Gregorios: A Reader / Fr. Dr. K. M. George

Paulos Mar Gregorios: A Reader


Paulos Mar Gregorios: A Reader is a compilation of the selected writings of Paulos Mar Gregorios, a metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church of India and a former President of the World Council of Churches. The book deals with his thought in the areas of ecumenism, orthodox theology, philosophy, interfaith dialogue, and philosophy of science. The book will be of special value to the students of ecumenism, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, Indian philosophy, interdisciplinary studies, and holistic education.


Part 1: Philosophy—Western and Indian/Asian

1.1. Philosophy, Meaning, and History—Problem of Methodology

1.2. European Philosophy and Enlightenment

1.3. Philosophy of Science

1.4. Indian/Asian Philosophical Insights

1.5. Epistemology—Western and Indian

1.6. Philosophy of History

1.7. Quest for Certainty

1.8. Critique of Ideology

Part 2: Ethical Dimensions—Peace, Ecology, Holistic Healing, Interfaith Dialogue

2.1. World Peace, Justice, and Disarmament

2.2. Ethics and Ecology

2.3. Holistic Healing

2.4. Interfaith Dialogue

Part 3: Autobiographical Glimpses, Worship, and Spirituality

3.1. Autobiographical Glimpses

3.2. Joy of Freedom (Worship and Spirituality)

Part 4: Theology and Ecumenism

4.1. God-World-Humanity Relationship—Insights from Gregory of Nyssa

4.2. Freedom and Authority

4.3. Sacramental Theology

4.4. Scriptural Witness—Interpreting the Bible

4.5. The Communitarian Dimension of Faith and Knowledge

4.6. Man/Humanity as Mediator—Theological Anthropology

4.7. The Mystery of Incarnation

4.8. Dimensions of Ecumenism

4.9. Theological Method

4.10. Church and Ministry

4.11. Liberation and Salvation

Part 5: Perspectives on Future Humanity

5.1. Perspectives on Future Humanity