Medical Bulletin on the Health Status of the HH Paulose II Catholicos


Medical Bulletin on the Health Status of the His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Paulos II Catholicos of the East & Malankara Metropolitian

Date: 9th July 2021. Time 9.30am IST

Over the last 24 hours. the health status of His Holiness the Catholicos is remaining stable with the help of active life support devices.

His Holiness is on invasive mechanical ventilation for type 2 respiratory failures due to multiple lung problems. He is requiring full ventilator suppon to maintain oxygen saturation. Carbon dioxide level in blood has slightly improved. Blood pressure is maintained in normal range without any external support. Along with antibiotics and other supportive medicines,
albumin infusion is also given to correct the low albumin levels.

Considering the overall critical clinical situation. the Medical Board decision is to continue with the ventilator support.

Strict Visitor Prohibition has to be continued to present risk of infection.

The Medical Board is continuously updating the Bishop’s Council designated to monitor His Holiness’s treatment.