SINGAPORE: His Holiness Baselios Mar Paulose II, Catholicose of the East & Supreme Head of the Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church, will be the chief celebrant at the ‘Feast of St Thomas’ at St Thomas Orthodox Syrian Cathedral, Singapore.
The Feast of St Thomas (Dukharono of St Thomas) is scheduled to be held for two days on July 6 and July 7.
This will be the Holy Primate’s maiden visit to the island city-state and His Holiness will also be meeting Oriental Orthodox Church representatives and Inter-Church leaders during the visit.
On July 6, Saturday, a ceremonial welcome will be held for the visiting Catholicos and HG Dr Yuhanon Mar Diascoros, Chennai Diocese Metropolitan and Malankara Sabha Synod Secretary.
The reception will be followed by evening prayers, devotional message, harvest festival procession and finally benediction.
On July 7, Perunal Sunday, the Catholicos will lead the holy liturgy in a trimass. There will be a public meeting followed by festival offering (Nercha). The Cathedral will also honour senior members during the occasion.
Other dignitaries who will take part include Very Rev Fr Philip Thomas, Cor-Episcopa, Vicar of St Mary’s Orthodox Syrian Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur, Fr Aswin Zefrin Fernandis, Executive Secretary, Department of Ecumenical Relations, and Jacob Mathew (Jojo), Sabha Managing Committee Member.
Fr Thomas Issac, St Thomas Orthodox Syrian Cathedral Vicar/President, and the management committee have requested all the members to take part in the harvest festival in large numbers and be blessed.