International icon painting competition

The Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (IAO), decided to organize an international icon painting competition with the title “THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST” and invites all interested parties to participate in the competition.

Our contest is open to hagiographers from all over the world. We would like to ask you to post on your website the announcement of our contest. Our effort is to have hagiographers from different countries participating in our contest with many different hagiography styles.


We appreciate your assistance and contribution to the success of the contest.


The  Secretariat of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.)

The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is a culminating fact in Christian theology. The mother of all celebrations, the hope and light for millions of our planet’s inhabitants, that, for reasons of a change in the calendar some centuries ago, is being celebrated at different dates by the Christian Churches, confessions and religious entities. By sheer calendar coincidence, in 2017, Easter shall be celebrated by all on Sunday, April 16.

The Inter parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (IAO), wishing to welcome this fortuitous but highly symbolic fact and to contribute to the efforts to find a way to jointly celebrate this central event in the Christian “eortologio” or Christian celebrations calendar, decided to organise an international icon painting competition with the title “THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST”.


The prizes

1st prize 3000 €

2nd prize 2000 €

3rd prize 1000 €

Two commendations at 500 euro each ( 2 X 500 € )


The five winners shall be invited to the city where the Annual General Assembly will take place around the end of June 2018. This event will coincide with the 25th anniversary of the IAO’s foundation. This is where the exhibition will be inaugurated and open its doors to the public and the prizes handed over to the winners. The names of all the participating artists shall be written up and they will also appear in the two-volume work to be published on the occasion.

There is no participation fee and applications must be received between May 15 and July 30 2017.There is no participation fee and applications must be received between May 15 and July 30 2017.


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ contest website

Contest page on Facebook

 I.A.O. official website


Please do notify the present notice to every interested party.

We appreciate your assistance and contribution to the success of the contest.


The Secretariat of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.)